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Straightforward Pricing
Custom Integrations
Meet the talented and passionate team members who drive our company forward every day.
Protect for testing
25 Subscribers
Drag & Drop Email Builder
3 Email Campaigns
1 SMTP Servers
Unlimited Workflow Automations
Unlimited Segmentation
Unlimited Custom Fields
Unlimited Lead Capture Popups
Unlimited Lead Webforms
Open & Click Tracking
Import Bulk Contacts
Simple & Powerful Analytics
Email Validation Integration
Custom Tracking Domains
Advance Filters
API Integrations
Outgoing Webhooks

Great for large teams
55,000 Subscribers
Drag & Drop Email Builder
550 Email Campaigns
25 SMTP Servers
Unlimited Workflow Automations
Unlimited Segmentation
Unlimited Custom Fields
Unlimited Lead Capture Popups
Unlimited Lead Webforms
Open & Click Tracking
Import Bulk Contacts
Simple & Powerful Analytics
Email Validation Integration
Custom Tracking Domains
Advance Filters
API Integrations
Outgoing Webhooks
Advanced projects
275,000 Subscribers
Drag & Drop Email Builder
1000 Email Campaigns
50 SMTP Servers
Unlimited Workflow Automations
Unlimited Segmentation
Unlimited Custom Fields
Unlimited Lead Capture Popups
Unlimited Lead Webforms
Open & Click Tracking
Import Bulk Contacts
Simple & Powerful Analytics
Email Validation Integration
Custom Tracking Domains
Advance Filters
API Integrations
Outgoing Webhooks

Ask us anything
Have any questions? We're here to assist you.
Emailerstack is a powerful email marketing platform that helps businesses create, automate, and track email campaigns to boost engagement and conversions.
Yes, you can integrate and use your own SMTP server for email delivery.
Yes, Emailerstack offers unlimited subscribers and email campaigns on our plans. Check Here
Yes, you can create automated workflows to send targeted emails based on customer behavior.
Absolutely! Emailerstack provides detailed open and click tracking, along with powerful analytics.
Yes, you can segment your email list to target specific customer groups more effectively.
Yes, you can create unlimited custom fields to personalize your emails.
Yes, you can easily import bulk contacts using a CSV file or other supported formats.
Yes, Emailerstack offers API integrations and outgoing webhooks to connect with your favorite tools.
We offer 24/7 customer support via email and live chat to assist you with any issues.
Yes, Emailerstack is designed to scale with your business, making it perfect for small and large businesses alike.
Yes, the drag-and-drop email builder allows you to create professional emails without any coding knowledge.
Yes, you can run A/B tests to optimize your subject lines, content, and send times.
Yes, Emailerstack allows you to set up automated follow-ups based on customer behavior.
Yes, Emailerstack prioritizes data security and uses encryption to protect your data.
Yes, you can fully customize templates to match your brandโs style and tone.
Yes, Emailerstack integrates with email validation tools to improve deliverability.
Yes, Emailerstack includes tools to create and customize lead capture popups and forms.
You can use segmentation, A/B testing, and personalization to improve open rates.
Yes, Emailerstack offers a free trial so you can explore all features before subscribing.